Get More Students Blog

How to Create a Facebook Page for Teachers and Schools

Written by Wilim Abrook | Mar 7, 2023 9:55:33 AM

A Facebook page is a great way for you to communicate with existing students, and be found by and reach out to potential students. It offers exposure to a huge audience. If you’re tutoring kids for example, more than seven out of ten parents are on Facebook. If you’re teaching a language, there are thousands of language learning groups on Facebook, where learners share tips and tricks.



Let’s set some expectations about what this page will be for. You’ll need to carefully consider and plan the content you will be sharing on this page. Ideally, aim to provide non-spammy promotional content, such as testimonials, learner advice, and special offers. It can be a full time job running a Facebook page so when starting out, it’s best to think of it more as a brochure. It’s enough to simply have a presence, so that you’re visible and contactable. Aim to check daily, and post weekly or bi-weekly.

How to set up your page

On the menu on the left hand side of your Facebook home page, click on “Pages”.

Next, click on “create new page”.

Now you can fill in the main details about yourself or your school. Enter your school or business name and choose a category, School or Tutor / Teacher, for example.

Then you should add a short description. You should aim to get some key points across in just a couple of lines.

  • Who are you?
  • What do you teach?
  • What are the benefits of your classes in particular?

Remember, you can change this information later, so best to just get something down and then click on “create page”.


Next up, you’ll be asked to add a profile picture and a cover image. The profile image should be either a simple, clean headshot or your school logo

Here are the image dimensions you should use (accurate in 2022): 

  • Facebook page cover image - 1640 x 924 px
  • Facebook profile picture - square, minimum 180 x 180 px

When you’ve uploaded your images, you can hit save.

Your page will now technically be live, but there are still a few details that you should definitely add.

First of all, you should add a call to action by clicking on “add a button” just under the cover image, on the right hand side.

A call to action button is a great little shortcut to effectively drive traffic from your Facebook page, to your actual school website.

You can choose from a number of different options. “Sign up” is probably the easiest option to work with, as you just have to enter a URL. This could be your LearnCube Online School signup page, or a link to your Calendly page, for students to book a trial class.

Next up, you should add some more details to your page info. On the left hand of the screen, you can see the page management menu. If you scroll all the way down you will see the option “edit page info”.

Here, you can add your website, contact info, opening hours, and so on. Don’t miss the “Other Accounts” section on the very bottom of the page, where you can add links to your other social media such as Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

Finally, you can add your first post. Best not to overthink it - this post will soon be lost down your feed, so I suggest adding a short, friendly welcome message to any prospective students.


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